Arab Office for Youth and Environment


The Arab Office for Youth and Environment had long envisioned transforming the traffic island of Zahraa El Maadi Street, where the organization is based, into a model garden of attractive appeal for others to follow. However, the high costs of developing the 2,400-meter-long and 13-meter-wide island posed a significant obstacle. This vision remained unrealized until the Chairman of the Southern District of Cairo’s Executive Council initiated road expansion works on Zahraa El Maadi Street to improve traffic flow. Seizing this opportunity, the organization launched a community initiative titled “The Maadi Preservation Project” under the slogan “Join Us.”

This initiative invited the participation of various stakeholders, including local residents, private companies, business leaders, the Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs, private schools such as the Oasis International School, youth associations, civil society organizations, the Cairo Governorate’s Southern District, the Maadi Municipality and property owners’ unions.

Overall Objective

  • Foster a partnership concept between stakeholders.
  • Promote the sense of ownership of public spaces.
  • Create a model of a sustainable development street that can be replicated in other areas.
  • Enhance environmental awareness by implementing a solid waste management model based on source separation and recycling.

Specific Objectives

  • Form a steering committee for the project.
  • Design a development plan for the traffic island of Zahraa El Maadi Street.
  • Digital Marketing for the initiative.
  • Mobilize the local community living along Zahraa El Maadi Street.

Project Location

Maadi District, Cairo Governorate.


  • The Arab Office for Youth and Environment
  • Oasis International School
  • Maadi Municipality


The Arab Office for Youth and Environment, Oasis International Schools

Project Duration

September 2013 – June 2014.

Expected Outcomes

  • Completion of developing of the traffic island of Zahraa El Maadi Street.
  • Expansion of the main road of Zahraa El Maadi Street.
  • Increased environmental awareness among residents.
  • Enhanced community engagement in the area.